Analysis of the social and economic impact of malnutrition in countries such as Chile, Mexico, Ecuador and Paraguay during the period 2001 to 2030
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How to Cite

Caballero Aguilera, F. E. ., & Sánchez Rojas, G. S. . (2021). Analysis of the social and economic impact of malnutrition in countries such as Chile, Mexico, Ecuador and Paraguay during the period 2001 to 2030. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 6, 89–97.


This research presents the social and economic impact generated by malnutrition in countries such as Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay in periods from 2001 to 2030, the research arises from the need to have a picture of the situation of the countries mentioned in terms of malnutrition and the social and economic effects that it generates , in order to propose possible strategies or solutions to achieve part of goal two of the SDGs, so the general objective of the work is to analyze the social and economic impact generated by malnutrition in countries such as Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay during the period from 2001 to 2030. The methodological framework was based on the documentary literature review, synthetic and inductive methods were used, had a descriptive level, longitudinal type. It was observed that malnutrition has effects on education, health and productivity of people who suffered from it at some period of their lives (this period occurs mainly in children under five years of age), it was also observed that significant economic costs for society as a whole can be derived from malnutrition because the greater probability of malnourished children getting sick increases considerably the costs in the health sector and those who have suffered child malnutrition have less attention and learning capacity, which increases the costs of the education system, in terms of productivity, refers to the loss of human capital that is generated for a society, due to the lower level of education reached by people suffering from malnutrition , in addition to the deaths caused by malnutrition, which translates into loss of productive capacity. Finally, it was concluded that the States, in each country analyzed, should promote public policies that allow the population to access a healthy diet and, in addition to that, the population should know the importance of the consumption of the necessary nutrients, mainly in children under five years of age, considering that the effects and costs are distributed throughout the life cycle., this in order to reduce the impact and cost it generates in health, education and productivity.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Fatima Elisa Caballero Aguilera, Giovanna Stella Sánchez Rojas


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