Artistic field and religious field: notes on the heuristic power of analogy


  • Sergio Rojas Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, San Lorenzo, Paraguay.



Artistic field, religious field, symbolic capital, Los Novísimos, Paraguayan


The purpose of this paper is to propose an epistemological and theoretical analysis (still through some provisional notes) about the conceptual description of a historical phenomenon in sociology. First, it formulates the character of sociological concepts when they determine specific research operations, and the kind of relationship that these concepts establish with the empirical material studied. This organizes the epistemological bases to set out the analogy between the religious field and the artistic field, using some of Weber’s categories in the sociology of religion and some of Bourdieu’s categories in the theory of the artistic field. Finally, the theoretical propositions are illustrated with the findings of a more extensive research on a particular case of the Paraguayan art history.


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How to Cite

Rojas, S. (2021). Artistic field and religious field: notes on the heuristic power of analogy. Cuadernos De Sociología, 1(1), 15–27.



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