Nutritional profile of ostomized patients. General Hospital of the second department of San Pedro Paraguay - Korea. 2022



nutritional profile, nutritional status, ostomized patients, nutritional risk


The nutritional profile of ostomized patients acquires special attention due to the conditions that could predispose to malnutrition. The objective of the study was to determine the nutritional profile of ostomized patients who receive outpatient care at the General Hospital of the Second Department of San Pedro-Paraguay Korea, in the year 2022, an observational study of a cross-section was conducted. The data obtained were loaded in an electronic form Microsoft-Excel, for the analysis was used descriptive statistics. To describe the nutritional status of patients, anthropometric indicators and nutritional risk screening (NRS-2002) were used, applied through nutritional clinical interview and evaluation. The study had a global duration of 9 months, 20 ostomized patients were included in the National Program for Comprehensive Care of the Ostomized Patient provided by the General Paraguay-Corea Hospital that complied with the inclusion criteria. Ethical research principles were respected. The most representative age group was 41 to 64 years or more, followed by the age group from 20 to 40 years; Greater proportion of male sex, rural origin. The most frequent type of ostomy was terminal colostomy followed by lateral colostomy; The most frequent base disease was the oncological type, followed by intestinal obstruction, trauma and finally fistulas and diverticular disease. In conclusion, the global appreciation of the nutritional status evaluated by the NRS-2002 tool indicated that the nutritional profile of ostomized patients has a risk of malnutrition in all cases evaluated.


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How to Cite

Chamorro Aldana, S., & Franco Núñez, R. (2023). Nutritional profile of ostomized patients. General Hospital of the second department of San Pedro Paraguay - Korea. 2022. Anales of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, 56(3), 40–50. Retrieved from