Experiences of community outreach through social dentistry in Concep





social participation,, community participation,, community-institution relations.,


Social dentistry encompasses social, economic and cultural factors that intervene in the oral health of individuals and communities, in order to establish the best joint strategies and find efficient and effective solutions to oral health problems. Paraguay is a country with a fragmented health system, with scarce sanitary capacity, essentially those related to unhealthy lifestyles, where the oral health situation is not alien to this problem. It is important to consider that dental health includes the ability to bite, chew, smile, speak, communicate and transmit emotions through facial expressions that strengthen self-esteem; however, these abilities are a problem that mainly affects the rural population of the country. This project linked the Universities of Seville - Spain through the Luis Séiquer Social Dentistry Foundation, with the National University of Asuncion and the National University of Concepcion with the aim of carrying out educational campaigns in the Department of Concepcion, Paraguay.


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How to Cite

Castaño Séquier, A., Barbero Navarro, I., Rodríguez Menacho, D., & Ferreira Cabañaz, A. (2024). Experiences of community outreach through social dentistry in Concep. Interfaz, 3(1), 28–36. https://doi.org/10.57201/interfaz.2024.3.1.4411