Background: Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) is a little known and difficult to diagnose condition. It is defined as a rare developmental disorder, characterized by a severe deficit in social relationship, which arises in childhood, persisting into adulthood.
Methods: The design was cross-sectional descriptive observational, an anonymous, voluntary and self-administered survey of
closed questions was applied to 65 students from the clinical career of the Universidad del Pacifico in 2018. Descriptive statistics was applied and it was used the Epi_Info V7 program.
Results: The average age of the 65 students was 22.64 ± 2.2, 72.31% were female, and 40% were in the 4th year. On the level
of knowledge about Asperger’s disease we observed that 81.54% was good.
Conclusion: The data previously exposed show a good general level of knowledge on the part of the students surveyed of the clinical cycle, but some shortcomings in the moment of diagnosis and treatment of these patients.
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Copyright (c) 2023 María Paz Gill Centurión, Luciana Daniela Garlisi Torales, Sylvana Magalí Baruja Villalba, Gabriel Osmar Delgado Centurión, Nair Goncalvez Adorno, Alejandro Kaleniuszka Chena, Johanna Magali Coronel Ocampos