Background: The satisfaction of the patient and their caregivers is important, it has been suggested as an indicator of quality of care in developed countries. The WHO suggests considering the goals of citizens in decision-making, this justifies the performance of this type of work.
Objetive: To determine the difference between the means of results in the survey of health care satisfaction among caregivers of patients admitted to the Medical Clinic services from rural and urban areas.
Methods: Observational, analytical, transversal work, of cases and controls, with non-probabilistic sampling, of consecutive cases, at convenience.
Results: The average age of the respondents was 38.35 ± 13.56 years, 77.78% were women. The average age of the inpatients was 53.74±18.28 years, 55.5% was male. It was determined that there is no significant difference between the means of satisfaction degree between rural and urban populations (p> 0.05). A significant difference was found between the means of satisfaction degree among the caregivers of male and female patients (p <0.05), with a greater degree of satisfaction for relatives of women inpatients
Conclusion: The majority of respondents were female with average age 38.35, but the sex of the inpatients was mainly male and the average age was 53.7. No null hypothesis was rejected as there was no significant difference (p> 0.05) in satisfaction between family members from rural and urban areas
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