Training in Social Work in the current context, reflections from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay
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vocational training
social work
higher education
professional practice

How to Cite

Battilana, N., Villagra, V. E., Frank, I. M. E., Rivero, S., Del Prado, L., Berwig, S. E., & Guilherme, R. C. (2024). Training in Social Work in the current context, reflections from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 9(2), 1–11.


The central axis of the article is professional practice, how it has been understood and developed in the four countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) in the university environment, understanding that it is the core axis that has organized the process of training of Social Work professionals. A brief characterization of the profession, the creation of careers in each country and the professional practices developed according to the curricular plans of each academic unit is carried out, carrying out documentary analysis. Finally, the work has generated some significant results such as the complexity of the training processes in terms of professional practices, the presence of critical perspectives in Social Work in the training processes and the dialogue with the social sciences.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Nidia Battilana (Autor/a); Verónica Evangelina Villagra, Ivón Mariela Elizabeth Frank, Silvia Rivero, Leonel Del Prado, Solange Emilene Berwig, Rosilaine Coradini Guilherme


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