The closure of schools, with the suspension of face-to-face academic activities as a measure of social isolation to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, brought with it new demands and changes for teachers. This work addresses some reflections in this regard, which have been elaborated from the review of articles, journalistic news, videoconferences and publications related to the task of teachers in this context of social isolation caused by COVID-19. The deficiencies already existing in their initial training are rescued, those that require the implementation of a virtual education, the resources that are needed, the times that are required for the implementation of the planned, the disappearance of the limits in the working day, the multiple tasks of the teachers with the school at home, in addition to the care tasks. These requirements and changes mentioned are only an approximation to this problem, however it allows us to visualize the difficulties that are presented to teachers. It is necessary to think about improving the conditions in which they place these teaching practices and that prevent them from responding to the demands for high levels of quality and creative proposals.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2020 Laura Bareiro