University teaching as political praxis. Contributions to rethink the training and professional practice of Social Workers in the university field
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docencia universitaria
formación profesional
trabajo social

How to Cite

Martínez, S. (2018). University teaching as political praxis. Contributions to rethink the training and professional practice of Social Workers in the university field. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 3, 86–93.


This article aims to be a contribution to the reflection on the importance of teaching as a professional practice within the framework of the Public University always enrolled in historical conditions that cross and configure it. Teaching practices also always fall within institutional frameworks. In this case, I will refer specifically to the Argentinian Public University, not only because I believe it is one of the privileged areas of society, but also because it is my field of training and professional practice. I will also briefly refer to the implications of the teaching-learning practice as a political and ethical practice in the formation of Social Workers. Finally, I will argue why I consider teaching to be part of professional practice.
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