An approach to sexual education and reproduction of childhood and adolescence in the communities of Chaidi and Ebetogue of the Ayoreo People
indigenous peoples, sexual and reproductive education, cultural changesAbstract
This work exposes an exploratory study on sexual and reproductive education in two Ayorean communities of the Chaco, carried out within the framework of the larger investigation called “An approach to sexual and reproductive education of children and adolescents of the Qom and Ayoreo indigenous peoples”. The objective was to inquire about sexual and reproductive education today. For this, interviews were conducted with young people, adolescents and adults. After the analysis, it is found that both communities have experienced cultural changes in relation to the traditional practices of the Ayoreo culture in this matter, as a result of the loss of their territories, the advance of capitalism, the incursion of churches, access to the Internet, ICTs and modern health services, today the family and the community are no longer the exclusive educators on this subject.
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