Inflation as a symptom of the confusion of the hegemonic economic theory


  • Luis Rojas Centro de Estudios HEÑÓI, Asunción, Paraguay
  • José María Cañisá Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, San Lorenzo, Paraguay.



Inflation, Crisis, Economic Theory, World Economy, Paraguay


Given the constant increase in the general level of prices in the world
economy and in the national economy, an analysis of the causes that have
generated these inflationary processes is presented. For this, we initially
make a description of the theoretical approaches that try to explain inflation,
grouping them into major economic currents: the monetarist, the Keynesian,
the Marxist and the structuralist. Based on them, we propose the analysis of
the inflationary process in development since 2021 and its causes, starting
from the deep crisis of the world economy that began in 2008, which lasts
until 2022, the year that adds the war and the sanctions imposed. By the
US and the EU to Russia. Finally, we carry out an analysis of the current
inflationary situation in Paraguay, which has a multi-causal and structural
origin, because of a primary export model, energy dependence on external
hydrocarbons, low industrialization, neoliberal and adjustment policies,
and the oligopolistic markets with speculative components.


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How to Cite

Rojas, L., & Cañisá, J. M. (2022). Inflation as a symptom of the confusion of the hegemonic economic theory. Cuadernos De Sociología, 2(4), 35–47.



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