Review of the work “The government of soybeans. “Regulation of life in the era of monocultures”

Reflections on the “Soy Government” and the challenges of governing in the Anthropocene, by Kregg Hetherington


  • Lis García Base-Is, Asunción, Paraguay



soybeans, monocultures, Kregg Hetherington


In June 2023, the book by anthropologist Kregg Hetherington, entitled "The government of soybeans. Regulation of life in the era of monocultures", by the Center for Anthropological Studies of the Catholic University (CEADUC). The original version was published in English in 2020. He was awarded three prizes, including the Rachel Carson Book Prize from the Society for the Social Study of Science.
The book The Government of Soy develops from a series of local stories of people and plants, as well as ecological and power plots. These stories are presented as mosaics that, in cascade, reveal part of the complexity of what is studied. The dimensions of analysis addressed throughout the book are chronologically located in the years marked by the soybean government, a characterization that Hetherington gives to one of the sectors that was part of the government of Fernando Lugo (2008-2012), which tried to contribute to the regulation of transgenic soy monocultures with the aim of slowing their advance. which failed miserably. Although the ethnographic journey begins in the early 2000s and lasts until 2019, the global analysis of monocultures moves through the 150 years of history demarcated as the Anthropocene. Hetherington explains the limitations of this definition to account for the socio-political and economic dynamics of the ecological crisis that marks the characteristics of the present. With this, he puts at the center of his analysis the profound sum of crises anchored and expressed in environmental devastation and its consequences.


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How to Cite

García, L. (2024). Review of the work “The government of soybeans. “Regulation of life in the era of monocultures”: Reflections on the “Soy Government” and the challenges of governing in the Anthropocene, by Kregg Hetherington. Cuadernos De Sociología, 3(6), 136–154.


