Elinor Ostrom: Biography and Academic Production





Institutions, self-management, economy


This paper conducts a bibliographic review of the life and academic production of Elinor Ostrom, a prominent American political scientist who in 2009 became the first non-economist woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Economics. Ostrom developed innovative theoretical models based on economic governance, the management of common resources, and institutional diversity, emphasizing the value of multinational, multidisciplinary, and comparative research. She collaborated with various authors, with James Michael Walker being one of her most notable collaborators. Overall, Ostrom’s work remains relevant and inspiring for researchers in the field of Social Sciences, particularly in the areas of economics and sustainability.


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How to Cite

Trinidad Da Silva, A. A. (2024). Elinor Ostrom: Biography and Academic Production. Cuadernos De Sociología, 3(6), 127–135. https://doi.org/10.54549/cs.2023.3.6.4431


