Clinical-ophthalmological characteristics and evolution of patients with moderately severe active thyroid ophthalmopathy treated with methylprednisolone boluses who attended the Central Hospital of the Instituto de Previsión Social, Paraguay



graves´ orbitopathy (GO), graves Basedow disease, glucocorticoids, methylprednisolone


Introduction: Graves’ orbitopathy (GO) is a debilitating disorder in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease, mainly Graves’ disease, which develops in 30 to 50% of cases. Objectives: To describe the clinical-ophthalmological characteristics and evolution of patients with moderate-to- severe active GO treated with methylprednisolone boluses who attended the Central Hospital of the Institute of Social Security between January 2018 and September 2021. Materials and methods: Observational design research, descriptive, retrospective study. Results: Records of 34 patients with active moderate-to-severe GO who received boluses of methylprednisolone based on the EUGOGO 2016 guidelines, were reviewed, of which 3 patients were excluded due to having incomplete records and another 3 patients since they required second-line treatment prior to end the 12-session scheme. Of the 28 patients studied, the average age was 43.6 ±13.1 years, 89% were female and 28.5% were smokers. Regarding the thyroid function of the population prior to treatment, hyperthyroidism was found in 82%, hypothyroidism in 11% and euthyroidism in 7%; and after treatment, hyperthyroidism was found in 78.6% (subclinical), euthyroidism in 17.9% and hypothyroidism in 3.5%. The majority (92.6%) had positive thyrotropin receptor antibodies, with an average of 18 ± 9.9 mIU/Ml. Regarding the activity of orbitopathy according to the CAS scale, an average of 4.1 ±1.0 was found before treatment and 1.2 ±1.4 after; Of them, 46.4% presented a mild condition according to the severity scale, 39% without severity criteria and 14% persisted in moderate-severe. Improvement in visual acuity was noted after treatment (57.1%), the average exophthalmia before treatment was 22.2 mm and after 21.1 mm; Diplopia occurred in 7.1% before treatment and in 3.6% after treatment. Conclusion: Treatment with intravenous glucocorticoids in moderate-severe Graves’ orbitopathy (EUGOGO 2016 scheme) was very effective, reversing the activity and consequently helping to reduce the severity, in the vast majority of our patients. This could be explained because the orbitopathy was incipient and by the high degree of patient adherence in the context of well-protocolized multidisciplinary management.


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Tabla 2. Características oftalmológicas previo al tratamiento glucocorticoideo y posterior al mismo



How to Cite

Müller, A., Rodríguez, M. G., Romero, F., Ferreira, D., López, H., Espinoza, G., … Valinotti, E. (2023). Clinical-ophthalmological characteristics and evolution of patients with moderately severe active thyroid ophthalmopathy treated with methylprednisolone boluses who attended the Central Hospital of the Instituto de Previsión Social, Paraguay. Anales of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, 56(3), 58–66. Retrieved from