Trend of the DemoMinga intervention program as a strategy to improve dyslipidemia and glycemia in the Norma Luisa population, Minga Guazú



Community intervention, high oleic sunflower oil, physical activity, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia, university outreach, vaccenic fatty acid, hypercholesterolemia, non-communicable diseases



Non-communicable diseases remain a growing problem worldwide, especially in middle and low-income countries. Community intervention programs are focused on reducing their prevalence through promoting healthier lifestyle changes.


To analyze the trend of the physical activity and nutrition intervention program as a strategy to improve dyslipidemia and glycemia among participants of the DemoMinga project.

Materials and methods:

This study employed a quantitative approach with a participatory action research design, characterized as longitudinal and prospective. The population consisted of participants from the DemoMinga Project. For each participant, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasting glycemia were measured. Samples were processed at the Medical Research Center of FACISA-UNE. Indicators of central tendency (median) were determined for each of the variables.


There was a higher participation of females, with a predominance of individuals under the age of 45. Chemical measurements showed a decreasing trend starting from the fifth year of intervention, involving healthy cooking workshops that included the use of high oleic oil and physical activity. However, the test did not yield significant differences in measurements between the baseline and the 6-year cutoff.


The study highlights the significance of intervention programs using comprehensive therapies for the long-term promotion and prevention of cardiometabolic diseases.


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How to Cite

Radice Oviedo, C. A., & Radice Duré, R. P. (2023). Trend of the DemoMinga intervention program as a strategy to improve dyslipidemia and glycemia in the Norma Luisa population, Minga Guazú. Anales of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, 56(2), 82–90. Retrieved from