Introduction and Aim: Cardiovascular diseases can appear in different ways and have many consequences. These are boosted by a group of risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, smoking, sedentarism and genetic inheritance. The objective is to determine which risk factors students from the school of medicine at the UNA (Asuncion´s National University) in preclinical period are exposed to.
Methods: Observational descriptive research with nonprobability sample of convenience. It was considered an n=120, evenly divided between men and women. They were stratified into 3 identical groups (n=40) and those consisted in students from first, second and third year. Over 3 months, surveys were provided, anthropometric measurements were taken; blood pressure and fasting glycemia were recorded. Some comparisons were made between the variables, frequency and contingency tables were presented. To compare the groups p<0.05 was considered significant.
Results: The average body mass index was 23.99± 4.23. A 27.5% of the students were overweight and 6.7% were obese. The average body fat percentage was 18% in men and 28% in women. A 9.16% claimed to smoke. And a 7.5% had high blood glucose levels.
Conclusion: This data suggest a possible series of risky habits. It is recommended that this research be further strengthened and expanded by implementing more powerful studies that take into account more reliable procedures.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Eduardo Federico Avalos Sugastti, Fernando Nicolás Fleitas Armoa, Mario Nery Osmar Franco Robledo, Marcelo Nicolás Martínez Bareiro