Background: The Mozart Effect is the attribute that classic music has to improve wellness and brain function. The aim was to demonstrate if the Mozart effect has an effect on reasoning and its association with musical studying.
Methods: 10 bending and cutting tests were applied to groups under different musical stimuli in a period of 10 minutes per day of work.
Results: No significance was found in the time of musical study and the results in any of the 3 groups that studied music. Results were higher on average in the groups that studied music (21.15, 22.22 and 20.13 in Groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively), and lower for those who did not study music (18.05, 16.75 and 16.36 in Groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively).
Conclusion: No associations were found between listening to music by Mozart and the capacity for reasoning in young musicians and non-musician
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gilda Elizabeth Méndez Castillo, Camila Ramírez Ríos, Diana del Pilar Helman Bottino, María Bethania Zárate Montiel, Claudia Centurión-Wenninger