Experience of parents of children with foot bot Trauma Hospital-Manuel Giagni. Asuncion-Paraguay 2022





experience, foot bot, parents, kathryn Barnard


Bot foot is a birth defect where the foot is twisted. Without treatment, affected people appear to walk on their ankles. Kathryn Barnard's model is focused on parent training, with an emphasis on child development, the central purpose of which is to provide support and guidance to deal with the child's behavioral reactions. The general objective was to describe the experience of parents of children with Bot Foot, Hospital de Trauma-Manuel Giagni. Asunción - Paraguay 2022. The study was descriptive, phenomenological with a qualitative approach. The sampling was non-probabilistic, the study population consisted of 10 parents. The interview was used to collect data, which was recorded after signing the informed consent, respecting ethical principles. It is concluded that the parents' experience was difficult, anguish, fear and uncertainty were present when they found out what this malformation consisted of, where the environment and the caregiver played a very important role since it is entirely the mothers who They dedicate themselves completely to the care of their children, presenting a secondary educational level helped in understanding the treatment process, they adapted favorably to the different stages that occurred. The recommendation to parents is to continue informing themselves about this malformation, to form a parent support group to share experiences and to be aware that their child depends completely on their perseverance and discipline for normal development.


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How to Cite

Velazquez Romero, T. G., & Alegre, G. (2024). Experience of parents of children with foot bot Trauma Hospital-Manuel Giagni. Asuncion-Paraguay 2022. AcademicDisclosure, 6(2), 54–60. https://doi.org/10.57201/academic.6.2.3807