Ethical Considerations

Research Ethics

Kera Yvoty Journal: reflections on the social issue will take into account the following ethical considerations:

Confidentiality: the information will be kept anonymous. It is recommended not to use names of persons or their initials or identification card number or survey number. Descriptions, photographs or other details that help to identify individuals may not be published unless the information is indispensable for publication, in which case the individual must give his or her written consent..

Social and scientific value: The content of the journal should aim to respond to or reflect on major social problems, which contribute to provide elements to the different social actors, to strengthen a more inclusive and empowered society. The published contents must be based on validated methodology and accepted by the scientific community..

Justice: the populations, groups and individuals who are part of published studies, as well as the participating authors and evaluators, are guaranteed the right to recognition, equal treatment, without discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, age and sexual orientation. It is hoped that the reflections generated in this medium will contribute to guarantee equality and non-discrimination as a human right..

Positive risk/benefit ratio: the work should not pose risks to communities, organisations and individuals. When the work involves the participation of communities and organisations, it should be mentioned whether the procedures of ethical standards in Social Sciences and the Nuremberg Code have been complied with.

Publication Ethics

Kera Yvoty Journal adheres to the Ethical Conduct and Best Practices for Publications of:

The journal is committed to reporting ethical misconduct to ensure the integrity of the research.


It is understood that the corresponding author/s act in good will on behalf of all the authors of the document and express joint and several responsibility for the originality of the work presented.

The order in which the authors appear should be a joint decision of the co-authors.

Team members who do not meet these criteria may be listed, with their permission, in the Acknowledgements section.

The manuscript must be accompanied by the Authors' Letter, signed by all the authors and ddressed to the journal stating that the paper has been read and approved by all the authors.

This letter must contain:

  • name(s) and surname(s) of all authors.
  • institutional affiliation of each author; full name of the institution and department to which he/she belongs (from highest to lowest hierarchy), city and country. For example: National University of Asuncion, Faculty of Social Sciences. San Lorenzo, Paraguay.
  • each author's e-mail address;
  • ID Orcid of every author; (Orcid is registered in
  • the corresponding author with his/her e-mail and telephone number.
  • brief curriculum vitae of each person (up to 50 words).
  • All authors must declare and sign the contribution made, such as:
    • AA (author's initials) developed the methodological design.
    • BB (author's initials) performed the data collection and analysis.
    • CC (author's initials) wrote the manuscript.

Authors should also include the type of manuscript (original articles, review articles, theoretical papers and essays, bibliographic reviews of recent publications) and the assurance that the results of the study have not been published or submitted for consideration to another journal.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any copyrighted material that is used in the manuscript. A copy of the permission must accompany this letter.

If part of the submitted work was presented in an academic event, the following information must be included: name of the event, organizer, date, city, country, etc..

If the article submitted is part of a thesis include the following data: Academic Unit to which the thesis was submitted or for which it is being prepared, Course Name, year).

  • Conflict of Interest and Financing

It will be verified whether there are any Conflicts of Interest, which must be indicated in the Authors' Letter, in addition to the Statement of Funding Received.

  • Acknowledgments

If any, includes contributions that need to be acknowledged but do not justify authorship, such as support from the institution's authorities, technical assistance received, etc..

Here you can download the proforma of the Authors' Letter.