In this article the authors assess the educational challenges for the period of the pandemic and post COVID-19. The methodology used is qualitative, based on the methods: documentary analysis, literature review and participant observation. The text places in perspective the impacts for the education of vulnerable groups and asks questions such as: what educational policies and micro-policies of racial affirmation, anti-racism, interculturality and equity in this context? How will the design and implementation of these public and institutional educational agendas address the asymmetries generated by the intersection of race, class, gender, ethnic, territorial, and national structured, structural and structuring inequality and inequity with a focus on children, adolescents and young black / black, indigenous, migrant? Based on these questions, possible educational strategies are discussed at home and in the work of teachers. The article identifies that post-pandemic education must reorganize its ways of learning, and that requires a definitive break with banking education, as well as empowering creativity and mobilization of knowledge and experiences that lie in the peripheries, in the neighborhoods, in the territories quilombolas, in the palenques, in the villas, in the countryside.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2020 Maikel Pons Giralt, Silvania Morais Rosa, María Victoria González Peña, Antonio Prieto Brito