In conformity with the WHO strategy to eradicate attitudes stigmatizing, recognizing the inappropriate beliefs, opinions and attitudes of those that are directly linked to health care, it is of utmost importance with the end of finding the appropriate measures to be able to reverse them in the interests of a better quality of comprehensive care. The objective of the present study was to determine the beliefs, opinions and attitudes of non-specialist health personnel in mental health from the Hospital de Clínicas on people with psychosocial disorders. It is an observational, descriptive and prospective cross-sectional study, aimed at non-mental health specialist health personnel who perform functions care in the Hospital de Clínicas, using the AQ-27 questionnaire. Among the results, 83 professionals, mean of 35.1 ± 8.5 years. 66.3% were female. Nursing 15.7%, Doctors: Interns 21.7%, Residents 25.3%, Specialists 18% and Subspecialists 19.3%. Regarding Responsibility: high 1.2%, intermediate 54.2%, low 44.6%. Piety: high 34.9%, intermediate 63.9%, low 1.2%. Intermediate irritability 44.6%, low 55.4%. Danger: high 3.6%, intermediate 72.3%, low 24.1%. Fear: 8.4%, intermediate 43.4%, low 48.2%. Help: high 59%, intermediate 38.6%, low 2.4%. Duress: high 45.8%, intermediate 53%, under 1.2%. Segregation: high 4.8%, intermediate 41% low, 54.2%. Avoidance: high 3.6%, intermediate 56.6%, low 39.8%. The presence of stigmatizing beliefs, opinions and attitudes was identified in the population studied, so it is vitally important to pay attention to these factors for a better reception of both patients and mental health professionals in General Hospitals.
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