Descriptive Observational Study of Hemodialyzed Patients Suspected of Chronic Interstitial Nephritis in Agricultural Communities of Asunción and Central Department




Farmers, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Kidney Diseases, Interstitial Nephritis, Hemodialysis


Introduction: Chronic Kidney Disease has gained interest due to its high morbidity and mortality rate. In addition to vascular causes and diabetes mellitus, an unknown cause has been identified in young farmers. Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence of the population on hemodialysis, suspected of Chronic Interstitial Nephritis in agricultural communities, to categorize the true etiology of their renal pathology. Methodology: A descriptive observational design was applied during December 2022, January, and February 2023; and 684 patients of both sexes were surveyed in 8 hemodialysis centers in the Capital and the Central Department of Paraguay. Results: The prevalence of suspected cases due to the exposure to risk factors was 18.1%. This figure could be higher since 22.6% of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus did not present clinical retinopathy or other clinical signs of the disease at the time of the diagnosis of kidney failure. This scenario warns us of a probable misdiagnosis in a considerable number of patients. Conclusion: The importance of this research lies in generating preventive actions in the agricultural population and raising awareness in the medical community about the diagnostic relevance of this pathology to improve the quality and prognosis of life in the Paraguayan population.


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Acevedo Ugarriza, L., Martínez Evers, K., Leguizamón Picco, E., Dimter Ortega, R., Leguizamón Ortiz M. E., Grance Melgarejo, G. M., … Cabrera Jara, W. E. (2024). Descriptive Observational Study of Hemodialyzed Patients Suspected of Chronic Interstitial Nephritis in Agricultural Communities of Asunción and Central Department. Anales of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, 57(2), 19–27.