Test anxiety, a type of phobic anxiety that occurs in the academic context


  • Nilda Celeste Cano Acosta


test anxiety, situational specific phobia, students, poor academic performance, procrastination, depressive disorder, suicidal ideation


Experiencing test anxiety triggers an emotional response accompanied by physiological changes that the student feels in a situation perceived as threatening, specifically in the face of an evaluation, written or oral exam; Currently, it is classified as a specific phobia. The individual who seeks to avoid or avoid this scenario falls into procrastination behavior. This affects their academic performance and has serious mental health consequences. The student begins to feel affected in his or her self-worth, self-esteem, and social environment, which often leads him or her to contract a depressive disorder and suicidal ideation. This article is a bibliographic review study regarding experiencing test anxiety as a situational specific phobia, the consequences of said condition, its comorbidity with other psychological disorders and the available treatments. Some 26 scientific articles were analyzed and compared, based on randomized controlled trials, others are controlled single case studies, published in important impact electronic journals. The search was carried out using keywords. In conclusion, the importance of knowledge of this pathology was highlighted, in order to make an early diagnosis and prevention in psychotherapy, thus avoiding further deterioration in the mental health of students. However, more controlled research is needed in this regard.


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How to Cite

Cano Acosta, N. C. (2024). Test anxiety, a type of phobic anxiety that occurs in the academic context. Anales of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, 57(1), 103–114. Retrieved from https://revistascientificas.una.py/index.php/RP/article/view/4329