The usefulness of urinary sediment in intensive care, a forgotten tool



urine cytochemistry, urine sediment, sepsis, acute kidney injury, heart failure


A urinary sediment is a tool used for years to characterize renal manifestations of primary and secondary diseases, which requires standardization and learning to interpret it. In patients admitted to the intensive care unit, it is often not performed, or several factors must be taken into account for its interpretation due to the patient's hemodynamic status, glomerular filtration, tubular excretion, water reabsorption, and solutes. In addition to the acid-base balance, which can vary significantly in critically ill patients with different pathophysiological conditions? A review of the conditions for the interpretation of urinalysis is presented.


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How to Cite

Rico Fontalvo, J., Daza Arnedo, R., Gutiérrez Ariza, J., Soto Guerrero, O., Suarez Romero, B., Vásquez Jiménez, Ángel, … Vázquez Jiménez, L. C. (2023). The usefulness of urinary sediment in intensive care, a forgotten tool. Anales of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, 56(2), 69–81. Retrieved from