Frequency of malnutrition and their relationship with complications in pregnant women and their newborns



In pregnancy the energy and nutrient requirement increases, the deficit or excess can affect the nutritional status of the mother and the neonate. In order to determine the frequency of malnutrition and their relationship with complications in pregnant women and their newborns who go to the Capiata District Hospital of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare, in the month of February to August 2022, a Descriptive observational study of retrospective cross -section that included 140 pregnant women, of which 64 presented complications for malnutrition and 76 did not present any complication. The Middle Ages was 26.9 ± 6.6 years with an age range of 15 to 40 years. The results show that 45.7% (n = 64) of pregnant women presented complications for malnutrition, 51.6% presented gestational diabetes, anemia in 29.7%, 7.8% presented anemia and gestational diabetes, the other 7.8% arterial hypertension, 1.6% expressed arterial hypertension and gestational diabetes and the other 1.6% presented anemia, arterial hypertension and gestational diabetes. In relation to nutritional evaluation at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy in pregnant women with complications there was a slight decrease in obesity percentages of 43.7% to 37.5% and an increase in low weight of 11% to 20, 3%. As for the type of childbirth in pregnant women with complications, 51.6%was due to caesarean section (n = 33), which presented gestational diabetes in 54.5%, followed by anemia in 21.2%. A higher percentage of overweight and obesity (29.7%) was proven in mother’s newborns with complications. The frequency of malnutrition and complications could be evidenced in almost half of the pregnant women, it is necessary to generate greater public health strategies to prevent malnutrition and complications in pregnant women.


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How to Cite

Giménez, S. E., & Pineda, M. G. (2023). Frequency of malnutrition and their relationship with complications in pregnant women and their newborns. Anales of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, 56(2), 35–45. Retrieved from