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preoperative period
reference values

How to Cite

Monges Villalba, A. R., Fernández Paredes, M. F., Florenciañez Zárate, M. L., & Castro Garay, E. D. (2023). ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC VARIATIONS OF PREOPERATIVE PATIENTS IN CLINIC HOSPITAL. Discover Medicine, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.2300/dm.v1i1.3156


Background: The electrocardiogram is a graphic representation of the electrical activity of the heart and it is used has a diagnostic method since heart disease modify such activity. The objective of this study is to describe the main electrocardiographic parameters in preoperatory patients in Hospital de Clínicas.
Methods: Descriptive observational, cross-sectional study.Data of preoperatory patients from Sala IV in Hospitalde Clínicas was selected by convenience non-probability sampling and later analyzed in the statistical system SPSSv21 thus defining values such as Media, statistical mode and Standard Deviation medical records were extracted.
Results: 180 patient’s ECG were analyzed, the average age was 51 ± 17 years out of which 64% were females and most of them from the interior of the country (48.3%). The number of ECG within normal values were 80 and the following results: lpm =72.23; QRS = 86.9 ms; QT = 380.66 ms; QTc = 409.31 ms; PR =149.31 ms; P = 98.9 ms; RR = 836.3 ms; QRS axis = 31,36º. 98% of patients had sinus rhythm and the QTc was the parameter with more cases of abnormal values reaching number 44.
Conclusion: We described the electrocardiographic parameters obtaining an average that can be used for future research.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Alejandro Rafael Monges Villalba, María Fernanda Fernández Paredes, María Lucero Florenciañez Zárate, Esteban Daniel Castro Garay


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