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serum albumin

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Villalba Aucejo, S., Alfonzo Ramos, A., Acuña Macchi, J., & Penner Sawatzky, D. (2023). CRP AND ALBUMIN AS PREDICTORS OF MORTALITY IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE PANCREATITIS. Discover Medicine, 2(1).


Background: Acute pancreatitis is a common disease with a rising incidence in the last decades. Several markers have been used to predict its mortality, but none can predict the severity in the first hour of admission. CRP, which is used to follow up inflammation, could be an indicator, also albumin, which is related to severe inflammation and mortality. The aim of this study is to determine if albumin and CRP levels are indicators of mortality in patients with acute pancreatitis.
Methods: 310 clinical records were analyzed from the Hospital Nacional de Itaugua (2015-2017). Sociodemographic data, albumin and CRP levels at the admission, comorbidity, toxic habits and the duration of the hospitalization were taken into account.
Results: 216 (69.7%) patients were women, the average age was 47.69 ± 18.1 years and 25 (8%) had a fatal outcome. Associations were found between mortality and: male sex (P=0.004), age (P=0.006), alcohol consumption (P=0.022), arterial hypertension (P=0.025), diabetes mellitus (P=0.004) and hypoalbuminemia at the admission (P=0.008). Regarding the ROC curve, it was found that the albumin and CRP levels and the quotient CRP/albumin at the admission were acceptable predictors of mortality, being the quotient CRP/albumin the best one.
Conclusion: Albumin and CRP levels and the CRP/albumin ratio at the admission proved to be early predictors of mortality in patients with acute pancreatitis.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Santiago Villalba Aucejo, Alejandra Alfonzo Ramos, Juan Acuña Macchi, Debora Penner Sawatzky


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