Knowledge, attitudes and practices on arbovirosis in patients attending consultations at hospital centers in the Central Department.



Dengue, chikungunya, Zika, Arbovirosis, prevention


Introduction: Arbovirosis is a group of infectious diseases for humans that have in common the vector of transmission, the Aedes Aegypti; therefore, it is important to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices about arbovirosis in patients who come for consultation to hospital centers in the Central Department.Materials and Methods: Descriptive observational cross-sectional study with an analytical component. The data collection technique was through a face-to-face survey of 22 closed questions to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices about Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika. The excel database was analyzed with the Epi Info version and descriptive statistics were applied.Results: It was found that 136 (99.27%) of the respondents knew about dengue, chikungunya and zika and 106 (77.37%) knew how the disease is transmitted. A total of 62.04% eliminate breeding sites, fumigate and use repellent to prevent the disease, 89.05% of respondents seek medical attention when they present symptoms related to arbovirosis.Conclusion: In this study, the level of knowledge about arbovirosis such as Dengue, Chicungunya and Zika was 99.27%, however, they mentioned that due to lack of information and time, they do not eliminate mosquito breeding sites.


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How to Cite

Paredes, M. E., Rojas Quintana, E., & Acosta, M. E. (2023). Knowledge, attitudes and practices on arbovirosis in patients attending consultations at hospital centers in the Central Department. Revista Paraguaya De Biofísica, 3(2), 49–53. Retrieved from



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