Characteristics of the use of electronic cigarettes in students from the first to the third year of the Faculty of Medici- ne of the National University of Asun- cion. Year 2023
students, electronic cigarettesAbstract
Introduction: In recent years, electronic cigarettes have prevailed over traditional cigarettes, especially among young people. This fact has been reflected at the university level, since these devices are much more friendly and discreet with the consumer environment, with fruity aromas, discrete sizes, among others. This study was based on describing the population, details, and perception of the use of this type of cigarettes in medical students of the Facultad de Ciencias Médicas of the Universidad Nacional de Asunción.
Materials and methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive, and ob- servational study, with a quantitative approach, carried out from December 16, 2022, to February 22, 2023, digitally through a Google Forms form, distributed through WhatsApp to students from the first to the third year of the university. Medicine career of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Asunción. The form was answered completely voluntarily, without having collected any personal data from the participants, therefore, it is anonymous.
Results: With a participation of 191 students, mostly women with 123 participants and 68 men, aged between 19 and 30 years from the first to the third course of the career. Of a to- tal of 42 participants, they stated that they currently have the habit of consuming electronic cigarettes, where 24 people are occasional consumers and 18 people are regular consumers. Said survey revealed that 47.6% began their consumption during the admission preparatory course, 30.9% in the first course, 11.9% in the second course and the remaining 4.8 in the third course. Of the 42 consumers, a total of 30 (71.42%) have accepted that the use of electronic cigarettes represents an economic impact for them; on the other hand, the students in which it does not represent any impact is due to their occasional consumption in which many times the device is not theirs. Regarding the impact on their health, only 22 (52%) believe that consumption has an impact on their health, who attribute their deteriorated physical condition due to the ease in reaching respiratory fatigue with minimal effort.
Conclusion: The use of electronic cigarettes has become a trend among young people in college, even though for many it generates an impact on academics and their health. The origin and its use are associated with peaks of academic stress, such as the period of final exams or the beginning of a new stage, such as the preparatory course for admission.
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