Disability as a vulnerability factor of the right to health and rehabilitation in women deprived of freedom
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How to Cite

Vera Alfonso, E. (2017). Disability as a vulnerability factor of the right to health and rehabilitation in women deprived of freedom. Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 2, 117–122. https://doi.org/10.54549/ky.2.2017.117


Many people with disabilities are deprived of their liberty, for being suspects or guilty of punishable acts, and the State is in charge of guaranteeing that all fundamental rights are fulfilled even in the penitentiary facilities. The present study aimed to analyze the conditions of women with disabilities deprived of freedom’s health, from the perception of key actors of a prison, within the framework of rights approach. It was an exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, performed in the framework of Practical Work from the subject “Social Investigation and Social Work III” of the Social Work Institute of the UNA, with the support of the Mechanism of Prevention Against Torture. The technique used was in-depth interviews. A question guide containing the categories of analysis to be studied was used as an instrument. The sample consisted of professionals from the areas of interest, located within the prison, such as Social Work, Psychology and Judicial. The identity of people interviewed was safeguarded, as well as the complaints and/or situations that were commented during the interviews, by women deprived of the liberty, or by correctional officers. The conclusion at the moment of data collection was that the prison did not have a service protocol or route of action for women with disabilities deprived of their liberty. As a consequence they live in a situation of constant infringment of rights, to which we add the aggravating factor they do not access a care of rehabilitation service, even when they need it due to their condition.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Evelyn Vera Alfonso


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