Background: In general terms the infectious diarrhea is a frequent entity and usually benign. But especially in weakened patients (kids, malnourished, immunosuppressed) the mortality has significance for the high morbidity. The objective of this work was to determine the prevalence of Salmonella spp, Shigella spp, Campylobacter spp and Rotavirus and besides describe the antibiotics resistance profiles.
Methods: Observational, descriptive and retrospective study. There were checked the results of the Microbiology Laboratory of the Clinic Hospital - Paraguay in the period 2014-2017. The samples analyzed in this time was 3615. In all the samples looked for
Salmonella spp, Shigella spp and Campylobacter spp, and in 235 samples Rotavirus.
Results: There were found 111 (3.07 %) enteropathogenic agents looked for in this work. Of all the studied samples were isolated 35 Shigella spp, 23 Salmonella spp and 25 Campylobacter spp. Regarding to Rotavirus, 28 (12%) tests were positive. With regard to the resistance profile of Shigella spp were found a high resistance to TET (66,7%), SXT (66,7%), CXM (61,11%). Salmonella spp presented a remarkable resistance to CEP (90%), TET (80%) and CXM (76,92%). Were found 20% of Campylobacter spp resistant to ciprofloxacina.
Conclusion: The most prevalent bacterium was Shigella spp (42,17%) and this agrees with other studies. Regarding to the antibiotic resistance of Salmonella spp a study that was done in Paraguay in the period 2011- 2012 found a high resistance to NAL (53%) and in this study all the samples were sensitive to this antibiotic. Worth noting that in this study was not found Campylobacter spp resistance to eritromicina and this is consistent with other reviewed studies
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