Check List of Charophytas, Chlorophytas and Euglenophytas of the Piribebuy stream, Cordillera Department - Paraguay




bioindicators, microalgae, diversity


Recent work on algae in Paraguay has focused on records of biological indicators to monitor water quality in diverse continental ecosystems. Although lists have been compiled through some taxonomic work, there are limitations of access and information gaps in characterizing aquatic systems. The lack of detailed studies in the Piribebuy stream, vital for the southern Cordillera Department, highlights the need for comprehensive research given the absence of characterizations and anthropogenic impact. The need to expand and enrich species records in Paraguay underscores the importance of carrying out taxonomic and ecological studies. This approach not only fosters the exploration of new research areas, but has also played a crucial role in driving this study forward. In a monitoring study carried out in the Piribebuy creek, three phytoplankton survey campaigns were conducted (August, September, and October 2022) using qualitative samples obtained by filtering 50 L of creek water through 50 µm mesh plankton nets, and preserved with FAA. The qualitative studies include photomicrographs of the most representative species. Of the three campaigns evaluated, records from the Charophyta, Chlorophyta and Euglenophyta divisions were prioritized because they were the most diverse. We were able to record 83 species of algae in the three groups. A higher proportion of taxa was observed in the Charophyta group, mainly highlighting species of the genera Closterium and Cosmarium. Additionally, 51 new records were identified for Paraguay.


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How to Cite

Arce, J., & González de Dos Santos, R. M. (2024). Check List of Charophytas, Chlorophytas and Euglenophytas of the Piribebuy stream, Cordillera Department - Paraguay. Steviana , 16(1).



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