Hábitos de estudio de los estudiantes del primer curso de la carrera de Medicina en la asignatura de Biofísica de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción, sede Asunción



habits, study, students, learning


Introduction: Study habits refer to the methods and strategies students typically use to assimilate learning units, manage distractions, focus on specific material, and exert effort throughout the learning process. It is a key mechanism through which students gain insights into their abilities and competencies, playing a crucial role in the development of their professional aspirations; this involves a continuous learning journey. The research aimed to identify the study habits employed by first-year students currently enrolled in the biophysics course.

Material and Method:  A cross-sectional, descriptive, and observational study was conducted from October 2023 to November of the same year at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Asunción. A digital survey via Google Forms was distributed through WhatsApp to collect anonymous and voluntary data, which were then compiled in Excel format for subsequent analysis and graph creation.

Results: A total of 143 FCM-UNA students taking the Biophysics course participated in the survey. Regarding their understanding of study habits, 81.8% of respondents were familiar with the concept. Key findings revealed that a significant portion of students preferred organizing their study environment rather than structuring the information through methods like outlines or summaries. Approximately a quarter of respondents set goals and created study schedules, demonstrating an active approach to seeking information. One-third of participants memorized important facts. When seeking clarification, students tended to consult peers rather than instructors.

Conclusions: A substantial portion of the surveyed population claimed knowledge of the definition of study habits. Participants showed a greater inclination towards organizing their study environment than structuring the information they studied. Seeking help from peers rather than instructors when clarifying doubts was a prevalent trend. Additionally, students proactively researched topics of uncertainty and paid attention to corrections in their assignments, reflecting a commitment to self-directed learning.


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How to Cite

Barboza Fernández, C. E., Barrientos Díaz, M. M., Barrios Vargas, Álvaro G., Benítez, A. R., Benítez Bitriaga, D. A., Benítez Fernández, A. E., … Figueredo, B. (2023). Hábitos de estudio de los estudiantes del primer curso de la carrera de Medicina en la asignatura de Biofísica de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción, sede Asunción. Revista Paraguaya De Biofísica, 3(2), 30–33. Retrieved from https://revistascientificas.una.py/index.php/rpb/article/view/4496



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