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Anti-Anxiety Agents
Mentha Piperita

How to Cite

López Rumich, M. E., Meza Fleitas, M. G., Morán Britos, I. M. J., Núñez Orrego, A. M., & Centurión-Wenninger, C. (2023). DETERMINATION OF THE ANXIOLYTIC EFFECT OF MENTHA PIPERITA INFUSION IN MICE USING THE ELEVATED PLUS MAZE. Discover Medicine, 1(2).


Background: The infusion made of Mentha piperita leaves’ is used for the treatment of insomnia, paresthesia, vertigo and neurological diseases. The objective of this study is to evaluate the anxiolytic effect of M. piperita with the elevated plus maze test in swiss albino mice, from March to June 2015.
Methods: The elevated maze test was used with 16 Swiss albino mice (Mus musculus). We divided them into four groups: two received peppermint tea in different concentrations, the control group received clonazepam and a placebo group received water. After five days of acclimatization, they received medication for 7 days, and on the 13th day they were submitted to the behavioral test: the elevated maze test. The number of entries and the time of staying on the open arms (EOA and OA, respectively) were measured to appreciate the anxiolytic status of these animals. p<0.05 was considered for comparison between the groups.
Results: Number of total EOA in the clonazepam group: 75±5.90, control group: 20.33±6.11 and M. piperita group: 17.5±6.34. M. piperita group compared to control group (p=0,0199) and clonazepam (p=0.0238) there were differences between the percentage of the number in EOA and the time of stay in the OA.
Conclusion: It was demonstrated that the administration of M. piperita increased in a small proportion the number of EOA, and the time of stay in OA of the maze. More studies of phytoquimical analysis of this plant is required and to determine its safety profile.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 María Emilia López Rumich, María Giannina Meza Fleitas, Isabel María Jesús Morán Britos, Adriana Magalí Núñez Orrego, Claudia Centurión-Wenninger


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