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Ilex paraguariensis
Uric acid
Yerba mate

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Guillén Fretes, R. M., Funes Torres, P. M., Barreto Romero, R. S., Cazal Barchello, S. B., Feijoo González, M. F., Paredes Medina, L. J., & Ayala Espinoza, A. J. (2023). EFECTOS DEL EXTRACTO DE ILEX PARAGUARIENSIS EN LA CRISTALIZACIÓN DE ÁCIDO ÚRICO INDUCIDO IN VITRO. Discover Medicine, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.2300/dm.v3i1.3092


Background: Yerba mate is a very popular infusion produced and consumed in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. It is processed from leaves and stems of Ilex paraguariensis.
Objective: To analyze the effects of the extract of Ilex paraguariensis on the crystallization of uric acid in an in vitro model in the presence and absence of the extract of Ilex paraguariensis.
Methods: Experimental trial of pre-clinical phase in which paired samples were evaluated determining the variations registered between the basal measurement at time zero and at 30 minutes of number of crystals, dimensions and number of aggregates formed. The results were analyzed using the statistical test of the signed Wilcoxon ranges.
Results: The results of the control test showed an increase in the number, aggregates and size of the crystals. In the case of the test with Ilex paraguariensis extract at 10% concentration, the results showed a tendency to decrease in the number of crystals and in their dimensions. In the case of aggregates, it is striking, in comparison with the control tubes, the scarce formation or even the absence of aggregates of uric acid crystals
Conclusion: This study could be repeated with more trials including other concentrations and commercial presentations. The results could be indicators of the possible properties of yerba mate to combat the formation, growth and aggregation of uric acid crystals and, therefore, an interesting tool in complementing the treatment of uric lithiasis

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Rosa María Guillén Fretes, Patricia María Funes Torres, Regina Susana Barreto Romero, Sofía Berenice Cazal Barchello, Mireya Fabiana Feijoo González, Lourdes Judith Paredes Medina, Andrea Jamile Ayala Espinoza


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